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PHP4: Normal and OOP programming. A Performance Comparison
Date: July  10 2004
Subject: Online Programmer Ezine, Volume 3, No.1
Article: PHP4: Normal and OOP programming. A Performance Comparison.

At the time being I use OOP in a few of my PHP4 projects as it takes more time to design and finish an application with this method but in big projects I accept the overhead in favour of easier maintenance and extensions in future.

To be able to decide better I did a test to see how performance changes if you use OOP methods with your PHP pages.

Let me insist that results of this test are valid for this specific application and the OOP model I have used etc. But you may be able to reach the result that a relatively good designed OOP application should not have much performance drop in comparison with a normal application which does the same thing with none OOP methods.

For this test I have developed two instances of a very simple login form. One with normal MySQL codes inside the PHP page and the other with a complete set of classes etc.

I have used the DAO model of Harry Fuecks from PHPPatterns (http://phppatterns.com) website which is a very clear and efficient DAO model.

I should appereciate Harry for his great work. After looking into his work I have started looking very seriously into patterns for my PHP applications.

By the way I have used PHP 4.3.6 and Apache 1.3.31 on a Windows 2000 Pro.

Here is the summary of two applications:

Login Page -> Authentication -(redirect to)-> main.php

1- Normal Application
index.php (login form)
login.php (authentication form)
main.php (main internal empty page)


2- OOP Application
index.php :

Login form : index.php using "Login Page" class
Authentication: index.php uses "Login Page" class
Main Page (empty): index.php uses "Main Page" class

-(Uses)-> "Login Page Class" extends "Page Class"
-(Uses)-> "User Class"
-(Uses)-> "UserDAO Class" extends "DAO Class"
-(Uses)-> "DataAccess Class"
-(uses)-> "DataAccessResult Class"

Then I ran a stress test on both of them with "Microsoft Application Center Test". First time with 20 concurrent users (1 Minute) and second time with 100 concurrent users (2 minutes).

Now summary of results:
20 Users:

Normal: 54.58 AVG Requests, 0 Errors
OOP : 41.75 AVG Requests, 0 Errors
23.5% Performance Reduction
100 Users:

Normal: 62.42 AVG Requests, 1995 errors
OOP : 41.81 AVG Requests, 149 errors
33% Performance Reduction

By the way I make no assumptions about the errors as it
is hard to tell the real cause of them.

Anyway for me 23% to 33% performance reduction is OK for
most of applications (except applications like banner
rotation etc which have a very high hit).

Now I think I will use the OOP models in more projects.

Please feel free to discuss the results in forums or
contact me about them at : mac--at--htmsoft.com

Siamak Sarmady

Please look at detailed test results below:

Detailed test results: (20 users, 1 Minute)
A1: Normal App , 20 Users, 1 Minute


Test type: Dynamic
Simultaneous browser connections: 20
Warm up time (secs): 5
Test duration: 00:00:01:00
Test iterations: 472


Total number of requests: 3,275
Total number of connections: 3,270

Average requests per second: 54.58
Average time to first byte (msecs): 348.06
Average time to last byte (msecs): 349.79
Average time to last byte per iteration (msecs): 2,427.04

Number of unique requests made in test: 5

Errors Counts

DNS: 0
Socket: 0

Additional Network Statistics

Number of connection errors: 0
Number of send errors: 0
Number of receive errors: 0
Number of timeout errors: 0
A2: OOP App , 20 Users, 1 Minute


Test type: Dynamic
Simultaneous browser connections: 20
Warm up time (secs): 5
Test duration: 00:00:01:00
Test iterations: 313
Detailed test results generated: Yes


Total number of requests: 2,505
Total number of connections: 2,505

Average requests per second: 41.75
Average time to first byte (msecs): 297.56
Average time to last byte (msecs): 298.14
Average time to last byte per iteration (msecs): 2,386.08

Number of unique requests made in test: 6

Errors Counts

DNS: 0
Socket: 0

Additional Network Statistics

Number of connection errors: 0
Number of send errors: 0
Number of receive errors: 0
Number of timeout errors: 0

Now with 100 users , 2 Minutes of test:

Detailed test results: (100 users, 2 Minute)
B1: Normal App , 100 Users, 2 Minute


Test type: Dynamic
Simultaneous browser connections: 100
Warm up time (secs): 5
Test duration: 00:00:02:00
Test iterations: 1,365
Detailed test results generated: Yes


Total number of requests: 7,490
Total number of connections: 9,485

Average requests per second: 62.42
Average time to first byte (msecs): 1,177.83
Average time to last byte (msecs): 1,178.51
Average time to last byte per iteration (msecs): 6,466.71

Number of unique requests made in test: 5

Errors Counts

DNS: 0
Socket: 1,995

Additional Network Statistics

Number of connection errors: 0
Number of send errors: 0
Number of receive errors: 1,995
Number of timeout errors: 0
B2: OOP App , 100 Users, 2 Minute


Test type: Dynamic
Simultaneous browser connections: 100
Warm up time (secs): 5
Test duration: 00:00:02:00
Test iterations: 632
Detailed test results generated: Yes


Total number of requests: 5,017
Total number of connections: 5,149

Average requests per second: 41.81
Average time to first byte (msecs): 2,259.91
Average time to last byte (msecs): 2,275.04
Average time to last byte per iteration (msecs): 18,059.91

Number of unique requests made in test: 6

Errors Counts

DNS: 0
Socket: 149

Additional Network Statistics

Number of connection errors: 0
Number of send errors: 16
Number of receive errors: 133
Number of timeout errors: 0

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